Victorian-American Headaches: Part 2

Victorian-American Headaches: Part 2

Part 2 of 11 in a Blog Article Series; May be read in any order. Links between each are provided for ease in reading.

Victorian-era American doctors faced the challenge of diagnosing headaches, relying upon intellect, experience, and deductive reasoning. After all, physicians couldn’t order a blood panel and read the results to assist in diagnostic work. This 1890 newspaper article contains a variety of types of headaches in 1890 language. I’ve provided translations where possible.

Victorian Collars and Cuffs (for men)

Victorian Collars and Cuffs (for men)

In Victorian men’s fashion, Collars and Cuffs were something altogether separate and different than a shirt. A whole different paradigm, given today’s men’s dress shirts are one solid piece, with the collar and cuffs attached. See vintage images of the styles and reasons why tailors (and factory producers) bothered to make the collars separate–and why some were made of PAPER rather than fabric.