Victorian-American Headaches: Part 7

Victorian-American Headaches: Part 7

Beyond prescriptions (including “Doctor’s Own Patent Medicine” — we’ve seen a few of those in Part 4), what could osteopathic physicians and medical doctors do to alleviate their patients’ suffering from headache?

What Did Pioneers Use for Quilt Batt?

What Did Pioneers Use for Quilt Batt?

Quilt-making was an important part of “women’s work” in the 19th century (as well as before and after). My ancestors’ journals tell of a ransom demanded for the return of their little boy, kidnapped by the Black Hawk Indians in central Utah–including five quilts. The family got by with husk-filled bedding until Mother could gather enough wool from the barbed-wire fences to make batting for another quilt. She wasn’t alone in this frugal (and apparently necessary) practice.

TODAY is Release Day! PLEASANCE’S FIRST LOVE is here! It’s #6 in the acclaimed Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series.

Pleasance’s Flying Geese

Pleasance’s Flying Geese

As each book in Grandma’s Wedding Quilts series has its own quilt pattern, I share some historic tidbits about the meaning behind the Flying Geese quilt blocks. Pleasance’s quilt, Flying Geese, to her 10-year-old mind wasn’t fancy enough, but by the time she marries and better understands the value of Grandma Mary’s gift to her, the significance of this quilt pattern (and her grandmother’s work) means a good deal to her. I share quotes from the book, beginning and end, with Pleasance’s attitudes about her very plain quilt pattern.

BOOK REVIEW: the Remembrance Nye Trilogy

BOOK REVIEW: the Remembrance Nye Trilogy

The Remembrance Nye Trilogy by Mary Jane Auch consists of three Y.A. titles suitable for readers of all ages. I enjoyed them and share my no-spoilers review of all three books. Whether you’re shopping for young readers (these are not “chapter books”; I recommend age 11 or so through great-grandparents) or interested in a clean read yourself, these books delve into accurate history. I only review and share books I personally enjoyed.

Pioneers’ Yellow Roses: blooming on the Cartwright kitchen steps

Pioneers’ Yellow Roses: blooming on the Cartwright kitchen steps

Yellow roses appear briefly in three scenes within COURTING MISS CARTWRIGHT. Yellow roses, particularly Harison’s Yellow, are found strewn along the Oregon trail, blooming feral alongside abandoned ruins of cabins and clapboard houses in ghost towns, and originated in 1824 New York. This article contains the ‘Cemetery Scene’ where Felicity, new to Mountain Home and seeking answers. visits the cemetery and first notices the yellow roses on her father’s grave. This scene is the first conversation between sisters who’ve not known about each other until their father’s will brought them together the evening before–and they’d been barely civil.