World Book and Copyright Day: April 23rd

World Book and Copyright Day: April 23rd

World Book (and Copyright) Day is relatively new (about 20 years old) and celebrates books, literature, authors, writing–and most importantly, READING, worldwide. Because of loose literary connections in history, April 23rd, each year, is the official day. What will you do to take note of this holiday?


Meet Utah Authors of Western Historical Romance

Meet Utah Authors of Western Historical Romance

“Pioneer Hearts” may be a Facebook Group whose members are scattered throughout the United States–and worldwide–but we often meet in local gatherings. This post introduces the Utah contingent (with a Texan thrown in for good measure), with pictures taken at yesterday’s get-together, links to each author’s webpages and online presence, and more!

BOOK REVIEW: Wired Love: A Romance of Dots and Dashes

BOOK REVIEW: Wired Love: A Romance of Dots and Dashes

4 STARS for the 1879 title, Wired Love: A Romance of Dots and Dashes. As an amateur historian determined to learn what I could about the telegraph and its impact on American society, how it worked, and the challenges telegraphers faced, this sweet (innocent) love story fit the bill!

Merry Christmas to my Favorite Author!

Merry Christmas to my Favorite Author!

You might have readers on your gift-giving list, but have you considered adding a favorite author or two?

Twelve simple “gifts” that will mean the world to an author! These genuine gifts of the heart are easy, simple, and for the most part cost no money.