DIY Yeast in Victorian America

DIY Yeast in Victorian America

Nineteenth century breads often called for “a teacup of yeast,” a huge amount compared to today’s recipes. Victorian-era housekeepers (e.g. wives) made their yeast. And continued to whip up fresh batches of yeast (with a touch of the last batch as a starter) well after commercially prepared yeast waited on grocer’s shelves.

Oatmeal for Food, 1873

Oatmeal for Food, 1873

In support of my other articles about oatmeal in the recipes of Victorian-era Americans, this post contains a lengthy vintage newspaper clipping, an article titled “Oatmeal for Food”. Originally published: Green-Mountain Freeman of Montpelier, Vermont on May 21, 1873. Included as a careful transcription, maintaining formatting, spelling, punctuation, paragraph length, and more. Also includes the digital images from the nearly 150-year old newspaper.

Old Time Recipe: Shortbread

Old Time Recipe: Shortbread

Historic recipes are a valuable link to our immigrant ancestors (whether the actual recipe is a family heirloom or not). This recipe for shortbread and Pebber Nodder (Danish Butter Cookies) put me in mind of my great grandmother. I include the Top 5 Reasons why I care about old fashioned cookie recipes.