Sweet Romance: 99-cent special!

Sweet Romance: 99-cent special!

USA Today Bestselling Author Donna Fasano has a well-loved book on sale! Hurry–the price reduction lasts only through Tuesday, May 23, 2017. This 99-cent sale is available at all major eBook retailers.

How to EASILY Write Helpful Book Reviews

How to EASILY Write Helpful Book Reviews

Book Reviews make ALL the difference in helping authors (especially independent authors)– but I’ve heard many avid readers express a lack of confidence about writing reviews. Readers might be comfy explaining to a friend what they enjoyed about a book they’ve just read, but when it comes to writing a review, they’re lost. I’ve provided 9 succinct guidelines to make writing a helpful book review easy, simple, and sure to please! Includes reasons why reviews help other readers find books and the importance of reviews in helping your favorites succeed.