by Kristin Holt | Nov 16, 2017 | Articles
Victorian America enjoyed shooting contests in a wide range of settings–from professional marksman organizations to small town celebrations. Come see vintage newspaper articles about events that pitted man against man and measured skills of accuracy.
by Kristin Holt | Mar 27, 2017 | Articles
A vintage newspaper article from 1897 retells the harrowing experience of Sharkey, owner of the Copper Queen Mine outside Salmon, Idaho–a shootout, Old-West style–between himself and a 6-foot rattler.
by Kristin Holt | Apr 18, 2016 | Articles
FIVE STARS for Charles River Editors’ Legends of the Wild West: Tombstone, Arizona. This nonfiction account covers the breadth of Tombstone from the first miners and where the settlement took its name to the forever famous gunfight at the O.K. Corral. Amateur historians and readers of fiction set in the American West will benefit from reading or listening to this informative and entertaining book.