by Kristin Holt | Aug 5, 2016 | Articles
“Pioneer Hearts” may be a Facebook Group whose members are scattered throughout the United States–and worldwide–but we often meet in local gatherings. This post introduces the Utah contingent (with a Texan thrown in for good measure), with pictures taken at yesterday’s get-together, links to each author’s webpages and online presence, and more!
by Kristin Holt | Aug 2, 2016 | Articles
Picnics were a common and notable diversion for Victorian Americans whenever weather permitted. Schools, churches, families, and organizations hosted picnics. Reasons varied from welcome-home parties to gatherings to hear a speaker or minster to holiday celebrations. This article contains recommendations for preparing and transporting picnic foods properly, protecting young ladies from harm (let’s keep those chaperones in place!), and a peek inside my new release Courting Miss Cartwright–specifically the picnic basket auction scene.