Pearl Ash, Potash, and the Ashery

Pearl Ash, Potash, and the Ashery

I’ve recently covered leavening agents in Victorian Baking, including saleratus and baking soda (let’s not confuse salsoda!). But what of the “pearl ash” noted in early American cook books (1796)? Asheries were a significant part of 19th century life, as ashes (can you imagine?) were a significant export from the United States and Canada. Come see what pearl ash was, how it was made, and what an ashery was all about.

Calamity Jane, Guest Post by Heather Blanton

Calamity Jane, Guest Post by Heather Blanton

Guest Post by Heather Blanton, author of Bestselling Romance in the Rockies Series:

Martha Jane Cannary. Name doesn’t ring a bell?
Then you might know her by her legendary moniker “Calamity” Jane.
Ever wonder how she got the name?