Victorian Baking: Saleratus, Baking Soda, and Salsoda

Victorian Baking: Saleratus, Baking Soda, and Salsoda

Today, December 30th, is National Bicarbonate of Soda Day.

Why recognize and celebrate such an obscure “foodie” day?

Victorian-era recipes containing saleratus, pearl ash, baking soda, baking powder (and more) can be confusing… and evoke a million questions. When were each used? Which were Victorian-era developments? Which did 19th century cooks prefer?

Victorian Cheesecake?

Victorian Cheesecake?

Today, July 30th, is National Cheesecake Day. Yummy!

Did cheesecake exist in Victorian times? Earlier? When was it invented? The timeline of this rich dessert might surprise you! Come see vintage recipes from Victorian-era American newspapers and cookbooks, variations on the theme of cheesecake, and learn how “new” ingredients (such as Philadelphia Cream Cheese) came about… A calorie-free way to celebrate National Cheesecake Day!

Victorian Ice Cream Sodas

Victorian Ice Cream Sodas

Today, June 20th, is National Ice Cream Soda Day! We’re all familiar with Ice Cream Sodas… any flavor ice cream, floating in any flavor soda, right? Yes, unless you’re a Victorian American at the oh, so popular Soda Fountain. The nineteenth century’s Ice Cream Soda just might surprise you!

Victorian Dancing Etiquette

Victorian Dancing Etiquette

Etiquette governing balls and dances in the American Victorian era seems stuffy, old-fashioned, and strict to 21st century Americans. Every rule of decorum ensured good manners were in play, but most importantly, the moral purity and innocence of young women and young men were maintained. Etiquette governed everything from how a man asked a woman for a dance to how he could properly hold her hand while dancing, to how many dances that pair could have in one evening. This article contains the specifics propriety demanded, and the vintage sources where they may be found. Leap year turned some of the lady’s restrictions upon the men; see the true-to-history newspaper article from 1888 that starred in Sophia’s Leap-Year Courtship.