BIG SALE on my titles–right now on

BIG SALE on my titles–right now on


Note: This sale occurred in October 2014. Kristin’s titles are no longer on Smashwords. See Kristin’s Page on Amazon.


Kristin Holt | BIG SALE on my titles--right now on Read an Ebook Week 2014 IMAGE


Exciting news! If you’ve not yet picked up my titles (3 at present), now is a great time to do so. This sale is part of a big promotion running March 2nd through 8th, for Read an eBook Week.


Smashwords Sale


See Kristin’s Titles on Amazon


HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is FREE with the coupon code Smashwords provides, immediately below the gold “BUY” button. Both HUSBAND-MAKER TRILOGY titles, THE MENACE TAKES A BRIDE and THE COWBOY STEALS A BRIDE are 75% off, making them $1.00 even. What a STEAL!


All versions (epub, mobi, and more) are available on Smashwords for the two HUSBAND-MAKER TRILOGY books. Presently, only epub is available (on Smashwords) for HOME FOR CHRISTMAS.


As HOME FOR CHRISTMAS is only available on Smashwords as an epub might inconvenience you, I have an offer I hope you’ll find appealing. If you need mobi (Kindle), I’ll make you a trade. Please sign up for my newsletter here on my website, then click on CONTACT and send me an email. Let me know which version (i.e. mobi, pdf, etc.) you need, and upon confirming you’ve registered for my (occasional) newsletter, I’ll email you the book…FREE!




Related Articles and Pages


Kristin Holt | Book Description: Home for Christmas

Kristin Holt | Book Description: The Menace Takes a Bride

Kristin Holt | Book Description: The Cowboy Steals a Bride


Updated July 2022
Copyright © 2014, Kristin Holt LC
BIG SALE on my titles–right now on