by Kristin Holt | Jul 1, 2020 | Articles
Did Victorian-era Americans partake of tobacco products with ignorant bliss? Or were they aware of health dangers? And were those health dangers remotely accurate (compared to today)?
Join me for a look at various newspaper articles, medical journal pieces, vintage photographs, and more. I’ll allow you to draw your own conclusions.
by Kristin Holt | Mar 6, 2020 | Articles
Victorian-American husbands and wives celebrated their wedding anniversaries in a variety of ways. The wealthy held sumptuous dinners and balls in honor of their years of wedded bliss and their guest lists and published itemized gifts showed it! A variety of late-nineteenth-century American etiquette governed much about the Victorian-American Wedding Anniversary, from invitation to gifts to entertainments.
by Kristin Holt | Nov 16, 2017 | Articles
Victorian America enjoyed shooting contests in a wide range of settings–from professional marksman organizations to small town celebrations. Come see vintage newspaper articles about events that pitted man against man and measured skills of accuracy.