by Kristin Holt | Feb 24, 2017 | Articles
Happy “Book Birthday” to Sophia’s Leap-Year Courtship! Brand new release, today, on every major eBook retail site. In celebration, I’m sharing what makes this title so different than other mail-order bride romances, AND a full scene from the middle of the book.
by Kristin Holt | Jan 3, 2017 | Articles
Allow me to introduce the eleven authors behind the twelve novellas and novels of our new sweet, clean historical romance series: Grandma’s Wedding Quilts. Each book is connected by family ties: each living grandchild of Grandma Mary (siblings and cousins) makes an appearance in their own book. My new title, Pleasance’s First Love is #5 of 12, coming on January 13th. This series will release in its entirety in January, 2017.
by Kristin Holt | Aug 5, 2016 | Articles
“Pioneer Hearts” may be a Facebook Group whose members are scattered throughout the United States–and worldwide–but we often meet in local gatherings. This post introduces the Utah contingent (with a Texan thrown in for good measure), with pictures taken at yesterday’s get-together, links to each author’s webpages and online presence, and more!
by Kristin Holt | Jul 28, 2015 | Articles
Fans of Western Historical Romance will find this quick read provides valuable background information of United States history that enhances enjoyment of favored novels.
by Kristin Holt | Jun 17, 2015 | Articles
Pioneer Hearts Facebook Group is a delightful connection for READERS and AUTHORS of Historical Western Historical Romance. We talk about books we’re reading (in the genre), new releases, ideas about the American West, and so much more. It’s the best parts of a book club, calling a friend, meeting a favored author, subscribing to a service for the best news about new books, all rolled into a tidy FB group I can visit whenever the mood strikes.