New! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series

New! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series


Kristin Holt | New! Grandma's Wedding Quilts Series. "New!"


Come on in! Let me introduce you to the family.


Kristin Holt | Kristin Holt | New! Grandma's Wedding Quilts Series. "Grandma's Wedding Quilts: A Legacy of Love; A Multi-Author, Sweet Romance Series Spanning Generations."




Sweet Americana Sweethearts (a blog by a collective group romance authors whose books are “sweet & clean romances in North America between 1820s & 1920s”). You’ll find blog posts from the crew on a regular basis where we each blog once a month. Many of my articles on Sweet Americana Sweethearts are connected right here ( to similar subjects. (Note the colored buttons linking other Articles, at the bottom of most of my blog posts.)


Kristin Holt | Kristin Holt | New! Grandma's Wedding Quilts Series. Image: Header of Sweet Americana Sweethearts.

Image: Sweet Americana Sweethearts Header, Copyright Zina Abbott


In January, 2017, all twelve books in the Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series will publish, one right after the other. Our series begins with a prequel in modern times, followed by each of Grandma Mary’s eleven living grandchildren’s romances, written by a total of 11 authors. Each title in this series is a sweet, clean, (wholesome and innocent) romance set in the United States. Most are Western, but at least one (written by award-winning Harlequin author, Kathryn Albright, is set on the east coast). This variety in setting location is in keeping with Sweet Americana Sweethearts’ purpose: Sweet & Clean American Romances set between the 1820s and 1920s.


We are offering a Quilt Contest–and no, you don’t need to quilt something! Or even hold a needle. For all the details–and the chance to win a brand new kindle–see the Official Quilt Contest Page.



YOU’RE INVITED! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Launch Party


WHO: You! And any reader friends you might care to invite. (Inviting is easy on the Amazon event page). Please put this event on your calendar, set a timer, and join us this afternoon/evening for fun, games, and prizes!

WHAT: A gathering of readers and authors of this series, to enjoy each other’s company, interact, play a game or two (or not).

WHEN: TODAY, January 3, 2017. Time: 3:00 PM to 6:00 PM (Mountain Time) = 2 to 5 Pacific, 4 to 7 Central, and 5 to 8 Eastern.

WHERE: Anywhere you have access to Facebook, but at a computer is easiest! The party’s happening on a special event page, right here.

WHY: Lots of prizes! Lots of take-home extras. You won’t want to miss the fun! Learn lots more about this series and discover authors that are new to you. Hear about an ongoing GAME you play online, a little bit about all 12 books, with some BIG PRIZES, such as a brand new kindle!

HOW: Simply connect with us on Facebook. Log in to FB, and go to the party page. To fully enjoy the event and make sure you stay caught up to new posts, refresh often. Scroll up and down. New posts occur often, people reply to other comments, and this practice will help keep you “hearing” the conversations. Read more about how to get the most out of Facebook parties in the last half of this blog post: Five Top Tips for Maximizing Your Enjoyment of a Facebook Party.





Kristin Holt | New! Grandma's Wedding Quilts Series. Image: Grandma Mary's Posterity: Names of Mary's children (and spouses) and grandchildren, together with book title, author, and release date.



  1. Grandma’s Wedding Quilt Series, THE PREQUEL, by Kate Cambridge, January 1
  2. Kizzie’s Kisses by Zina Abbott, January 9
  3. Jesse’s Bargain by Kay P. Dawson, January 10
  4. Meredith’s Mistake by Amelia C. Adams, January 11
  5. Monica’s Mystery by Kate Cambridge, January 12
  6. Pleasance’s First Love by Kristin Holt, January 13
  7. Zebulon’s Bride by Patricia PacJac Carroll, January 14
  8. Ione’s Dilemma by Linda Carroll-Brad, January 16
  9. Josie’s Dream by Angela Raines, January 17
  10. Chase’s Story by P.A. Estelle, January 18
  11. Gloria’s Song by Kathryn Albright, January 19
  12. Tad’s Treasure by Shanna Hatfield, January 20





The titles in Grandma’s Wedding Quilts series are discounted during the pre-order period to just 99¢. Now is a perfect time to snag copies, as prices will increase to $2.99, $3.99, and some longer novels within the series may even be $4.99. Might as well save $2 or more!

The prequel and titles in this series will be available without (additional) charge to subscribers to kindleunlimited… but all 11 are guaranteed part of the KU program only for the first 3 months post publication. Don’t wait! If you’re a KU subscriber and want to read these with your membership, make sure you do so before April (when individual authors have the option of withdrawing from kindleunlimited so their title can be available on more website stores).

What is kindleunlimited?





Readers will find lots of information about this new series in a variety of places:


  1. Each author plans to write blog articles about their own title and about the series itself. The links to individual authors’ sites are included above, with the release dates.
  2. The Series has a web page all its own! This page will contain more information later on.
  3. I have several blog articles scheduled in the coming weeks. Two articles have already posted. One introduced the series (and the history of quilting bees), and the other is about the historical accuracy of double-topped quilts (as Pleasance’s wedding quilt is double-topped too!).
  4. You’ll find blurbs (book descriptions) for each title on Amazon.
  5. We’re all posting more articles on Sweet Americana Sweethearts. Many articles in December and January touched on the series, and will continue to do so over the next several weeks.
  6. As readers review individual titles on both Amazon and on Goodreads, their reviews will inform your reading choices. You’re invited to help other readers discover this series, and your favorite titles in the series, by leaving honest reviews for the books you read. Reviews matter so very much and make all the difference to the success of Independent publishing projects such as Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series. THANK YOU!




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Updated March 2022
Copyright © 2016-2017 Kristin Holt LC
New! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series
