Victorian America Observes Memorial Day
The history of America’s Memorial Day, sometimes called Decoration Day, is rooted in the American Civil War.
The history of America’s Memorial Day, sometimes called Decoration Day, is rooted in the American Civil War.
4.5 (out of 5) stars for this nonfiction American history title by Sean McLachlan. I listened to the audio (Audible) version and read the kindle version–both of which are well done and present the legends and factual history surrounding Jesse and Frank James and their association with the Youngers, the James-Younger Gang.
In my opinion, the history was presented fairly, properly documented and researched, and provides amateur historians like me with the foundation necessary to create a frame of reference for the fiction I so enjoy reading. As an author, the short format (just over 2 hours listening time, or 62 print pages with historic photographs) provides the most comprehension for the smallest investment; a win-win offering.
I had the pleasure of reading an ARC (advance review copy) of SODA SPRINGS by the author Carolyn Steele. This article provides my review of this charming western historical novel and an interview with the author. I share insights about this coming-of-age novel, recommend the book to more than one type of reader, and am pleased to be one stop along the new release’s Blog Tour journey.