The Spinster Book (1901)

The Spinster Book (1901)

A cross between guidebook and social commentary, The Spinster Book gives clever and humorous insights on topics such as courting, handling men and women, love letters, marriage and spinsterhood.” I share one of the book’s vignettes on men; how they compare to cats…and a most successful way (for a Victorian lady, at least) to win a man’s heart, an invitation to a live theater or opera production, and his undying adoration. The book was published in 1901. The author (Myrtle Reed)’s sense of humor shines through, and sheds more than a little light on Victorian attitudes about courtship.

Merry Christmas to my Favorite Author!

Merry Christmas to my Favorite Author!

You might have readers on your gift-giving list, but have you considered adding a favorite author or two?

Twelve simple “gifts” that will mean the world to an author! These genuine gifts of the heart are easy, simple, and for the most part cost no money.