New! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series

New! Grandma’s Wedding Quilts Series

Allow me to introduce the eleven authors behind the twelve novellas and novels of our new sweet, clean historical romance series: Grandma’s Wedding Quilts. Each book is connected by family ties: each living grandchild of Grandma Mary (siblings and cousins) makes an appearance in their own book. My new title, Pleasance’s First Love is #5 of 12, coming on January 13th. This series will release in its entirety in January, 2017.

A Double-Topped Quilt: Remembering a Love of a Lifetime

A Double-Topped Quilt: Remembering a Love of a Lifetime

GRANDMA’S WEDDING QUILTS Series debuts today with the release of THE PREQUEL, a short introduction title by Kate Cambridge. My contribution to this 12-volume series (including the prequel) is Pleasance’s First Love. In this article, I share the gem of an idea, true-to-history, that came from researching quilts in Colorado in the 19th century. Who knew a quilt could have two “tops”?