Black Friday ~ Cyber Monday SALE

Black Friday ~ Cyber Monday SALE

Short Term Price Discount: 67% off three bestselling titles, The Bride Lottery, Lessie: Bride of Utah, and Josie: Bride of New Mexico. Each title, 99¢ from November 24, 2016 through November 29, 2016. This is the FIRST time The Bride Lottery has been discounted from $2.99 since it debuted at a low price introductory rate. Grab it now at 99¢!

Luxury Travel 1890-Style

Luxury Travel 1890-Style

“In the late 19th century Gilded Age, wealthy individuals had finely appointed private cars custom-built to their specifications. Additionally many cars built by Pullman, Budd, and other companies that were originally used in common carrier service as passenger cars were later converted to business and private cars. There are various configurations, but the cars generally have an observation platform, a full kitchen, dining room, state room, an observation room, and often servant’s quarters.”

A Victorian Menu for New Year’s Day, 1892

A Victorian Menu for New Year’s Day, 1892

This menu was posted in 1892 in a Pittsburgh, PA newspaper, but not the instructions– which those of us who are amused by history and cooking and the way things once were may well find fascinating. So this article is all about that menu… and how the home cook may have accomplished such a daunting task to celebrate the FIRST big holiday of the year.