100+-Year-Old Never Fail Pie Crust Recipe

100+-Year-Old Never Fail Pie Crust Recipe

Many reasons contribute to our immigrant ancestors’ penchant for pie-baking. Simple, honest, historic ingredients. Traditions of European countries. Affordability. And many more.

I had the superior benefit of a mother-in-law who’s a skilled baker and taught me the mysteries of pie crust nearly thirty years ago. I’ve slowly refined my methods, skills, and comprehension of how to make the best pastry. While researching and writing The Drifter’s Proposal I stumbled across a vintage pie crust recipe that fully changed everything I’d previously believed about pie crust.

OK… not quite everything. But this recipe impressed me. It’s flaky, tender, easy to work with, and yields a spectacular taste and presentation.

Old Time Recipe: Shortbread

Old Time Recipe: Shortbread

Historic recipes are a valuable link to our immigrant ancestors (whether the actual recipe is a family heirloom or not). This recipe for shortbread and Pebber Nodder (Danish Butter Cookies) put me in mind of my great grandmother. I include the Top 5 Reasons why I care about old fashioned cookie recipes.

An honest-to-goodness Pioneer Recipe

An honest-to-goodness Pioneer Recipe

My great grandma was born in 1896 in the heart of the American West. While this chicken and dumplings recipe is attributed to her, family lore insists she made this honest-to-goodness pioneer dish the way her mother did, so this recipe is an oldie and a goodie.