Victorian Cheesecake?

Victorian Cheesecake?

Today, July 30th, is National Cheesecake Day. Yummy!

Did cheesecake exist in Victorian times? Earlier? When was it invented? The timeline of this rich dessert might surprise you! Come see vintage recipes from Victorian-era American newspapers and cookbooks, variations on the theme of cheesecake, and learn how “new” ingredients (such as Philadelphia Cream Cheese) came about… A calorie-free way to celebrate National Cheesecake Day!

How to Conduct a Victorian Sleigh Ride

How to Conduct a Victorian Sleigh Ride

True sleigh rides are a thing of antiquity that most of us consider romantic. Did you consider how expensive such an outing could be? Or dangerous? No wonder a newspaper columnist of the day, in good humor, suggested an alternative.

Vintage paintings, photographs, and newspaper articles shed light on this sport, transportation, and social outing.

Victorian Letters to Santa

Victorian Letters to Santa

During the latter half of the nineteenth century, Letters to Santa Claus were a common appearance in newspapers. Whether the practice alerted parents, shared heartwarming tales of postal employees gathering nickles from among their department to stand in as a “Secret Santa” (modern lingo), or perhaps brought about by a store’s advertisements in the newspaper, Letters to Santa Claus provide a unique glimpse into the past. Want to know what toys children found appealing in the 1870’s? Or what dolls were fashioned of? Take a peek inside!

Freckles, Complexions, Cosmetics, and Victorian Beauty Concoctions

Freckles, Complexions, Cosmetics, and Victorian Beauty Concoctions

While dimples and beauty marks were seen as attractive and stylish, Victorian Americans deplored freckles, “moth marks”, suntans, and sunburns–most unfeminine! Commercial products promised to eradicate such unwelcome blemishes and guaranteed beauty! If potions and powders failed, one photographer promised no freckles showed in his cabinet cards.

Victorian Ladies’ Hairdressers

Victorian Ladies’ Hairdressers

The Victorian era brought about a new business in the United States–shops that offered ladies’ hairdressing. This skill may have been offered by ladies’ maids inside well-to-do households, but in America, women needed an equivalent of barbers to meet their own needs. Come see about training to become a Ladies’ Hairdresser, a touch of Victorian humor, newspaper ads from the Old West, and more! The blog article series of “Barber Shops in the Old West” continues.