Styling Ladies’ Hair, American 19th Century
But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her…
1 Corinthians 11:15, King James Version
Hence the gold crowns! And the fact that Victorian women (at least those not slaving away in factories or plantations) took their hair seriously. Not only did they grow it to remarkable lengths, they paid to have it styled at home. Additionally, ladies’ had their hair styled or at a parlor/salon.
Victorian Ladies’ Hairdressing Fashions

Ladies Hairdressing Fashions, Part 1, published in The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 23, 1885.

Part 2, Ladies Hairdressing Fashions, published in The Times-Picayune of New Orleans, Louisiana, on November 23, 1885.
Fashionably Dressing the Victorian Lady’s Hair

Dressing the Hair, Part 1, The Daily Democrat of Huntington, Indiana, on May 24, 1886.

a2: Dressing the Hair, The Daily Democrat of Huntington, Indiana, on May 24, 1886.

b3: Dressing the Hair, The Daily Democrat of Huntington, Indiana, on May 24, 1886.
Hair Styles Remain Tall to Match Hats
“The Baggy Roll is Out of Style and the Sappho is Now the Correct Thing.”

Hair Dressing Styles for 1887 published in The Des Moines Register of Des Moines, Iowa on February 20, 1887.
Styling Woman’s Hair; The “Hading” Coiffure

Woman’s Hair, Part 1, published in Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas, on February 24, 1889.

a2: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.

b3: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.

c4: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.

d5: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.

f6: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.

g7: Fort Worth Daily Gazette of Fort Worth, Texas on February 24, 1889.
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Updated August 2021
Copyright © 2016 Kristin Holt LC
Styling Ladies’ Hair, American 19th Century