BOOK REVIEW: A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund

BOOK REVIEW: A Noble Groom by Jody Hedlund

Five-star Book Review of Jody Hedlund’s A Noble Groom, with historical background, my personal reasons for rating this book so highly, and celebrating the historical accuracy in the setting and conflict of this superior Christian Historical Romance novel.

BOOK REVIEW: Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage

BOOK REVIEW: Marriage, a History: How Love Conquered Marriage

My 5-star review of a relatable, understandable history book, explaining why and how people married–from the most ancient of earth’s societies–to today. Coontz not only presents the facts in an entertaining, meaningful manner, but she draws conclusions only a historical of her caliber can, making the reading (or listening) experience ever so much more informative and helpful. Whether you’re fascinated on a purely intellectual level, love history, or are researching when and how marriage became a matter of choice between the couple (and only the couple) involved…I recommend this title!