Old West Mason Jars

Old West Mason Jars


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Photo of an 1858 Mason Patent Bottle. Aqua-marine in color. Image: Pinterest.

A blue Mason Patent Bottle dated 1858. Image: laureleaffarm.com via Pinterest.


Victorian-era Patents: Mason Bottles



1858 Glass Jar Patented by John L. Mason, hence the familiar term “Mason Jar.”



Improvement in Fruit Jars



While John L. Mason’s patent for the bottle blower was renewed in 1876, he apparently did not renew the patent for the canning jar. An article published by thinkprogress.org (2014) states Mason’s patent expired in 1879. This article continues, stating, “Canning continues to grow in popularity, but what smarts Mason has in innovation he lacks in business sense. He loses many of his patent rights to competitors and dies, penniless, in New York in 1902.”


Other Brands of Canning Bottles


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Photo of three antique Atlas canning jars in graduated sizes. Image: antiques.LovetoKnow.com via Pinterest.

Three antique Atlas canning jars in graduated sizes. Image: antiques.LovetoKnow.com via Pinterest.


Mason wasn’t the only brand. Nor was John L. Mason’s 1858 patent the only design on the market. Mason had competition from the Ball brothers, Kerr, and Atlas Jars. Some canning bottles had clamps (with rubber seals; you’ve probably seen remakes for use in home decor).


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Photo of two Ball Masons, one clear and one blue. Ball Co. logo dates to 1900-1910.

Two Ball Masons, one clear and one blue. Ball Co. logo dates to 1900-1910. Image: Pinterest.


The Ball Brothers Glass Manufacturing Co. started operations in Buffalo, New York in 1884.

~ source


Advertised Fruit Jars and Jelly Tumblers


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Mason's Fruit Jar with Porcelain Cover advertised by Howard & Spencer's in The Daily Kansas Tribune of Lawrence, Kansas, July 12, 1870.

Mason’s Fruit Jar with Porcelain Cover advertised by Howard & Spencer’s in The Daily Kansas Tribune of Lawrence, Kansas, July 12, 1870.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Illustrated advertisement for "Cheap, Simple, Reliable Fruit Jars, All Glass... Lids and Clamps in One Piece. Cohansey Glass Manufacturing Company of Philadelphia. Advertised in The True Northerner of Paw Paw, Michigan, May 4, 1877.

Illustrated advertisement for “Cheap, Simple, Reliable Fruit Jars, All Glass… Lids and Clamps in One Piece. Cohansey Glass Manufacturing Company of Philadelphia. Advertised in The True Northerner of Paw Paw, Michigan, May 4, 1877.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Ad for Fruit Jars sold at Johnson & Bastman, published in Chanute Weekly Times of Chanute, Kansas on October 11, 1877.

Ad for Fruit Jars sold at Johnson & Bastman, published in Chanute Weekly Times of Chanute, Kansas on October 11, 1877.


Kristin Holt | Old West Fruit Jars. Mason Fruit Jars for sale. Advertised in the Oakland Tribune of Oakland, California on July 26, 1894.

Mason Fruit Jars for sale, advertised in the Oakland Tribune  of Oakland, California on July 26, 1894.



Note the final item listed (Queen Squat Jelly Tumbler, with glass cover). Used in “putting up” jelly, it has a glass lid, “more desirable than” a tin cover. One dozen of the strong, heavy glass jelly tumblers with glass lid sold for $0.64 in 1895, approximately $18.82 in today’s dollar.


$0.64 of 1895 dollars would be worth: $18.82 in 2019 (latest year available). [source: Dave Manuel.com Inflation Calculator]


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Jelly Tumblers (with tin tops) and Mason Fruit Jars advertised in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue No. 104.

Jelly Tumblers and Mason Fruit Jars offered for sale in the 1897 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalog, No. 104.


Six dozen glass Jelly Tumblers with a tin top, sold for $1.95 back in 1897.


$1.95 of 1897 dollars would be worth: $59.09 in 2019 (latest year available). [source: Dave Manuel.com Inflation Calculator]


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Jelly Tumbers and Mason's Fruit Jars offered for sale in the 1898 Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue.

Jelly Tumbler and Mason’s Fruit Jars from the Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Montgomery, Ward & Co. Catalogue, 1895 offers Mason Jars with porcelain lined caps and Globe Jars with glass top. See the tin-top jelly tumblers listed last in this image.

Montgomery, Ward & Co. Catalogue, 1895 offers Mason Jars with porcelain lined caps and Globe Jars with glass top. See the tin-top jelly tumblers listed last.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Fruit Jar Rubbers (rubber rings) offered for sale in Montgomery, Ward & Co. 1895 Catalogue.

Fruit Jar Rubbers (rubber rings) offered for sale in Montgomery, Ward & Co. 1895 Catalogue.


19th Century Kitchen Tools for Bottling


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Jelly Funnels offered by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.

Jelly Funnels offered by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.


Canning funnels really haven’t changed. They may have been made from seamless tin back in the late 19th century, and now they’re available in plastic or metal, the design is either for standard or wide-mouth jars.



Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Fruit Jar Holder, a patent item sold by Montgomery, Ward & Co. Catalogue, 1895.

Fruit Jar Holder, a patent item sold by Montgomery, Ward & Co. Catalogue, 1895.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Ideal Fruit Jar Wrench sold by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.

Ideal Fruit Jar Wrench sold by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.



Canning Season


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Two interesting methods of washing glass bottles and jars. From The Boston Globe of Boston, Massachusetts, October 26, 1896.

Two interesting methods of washing glass bottles and jars. From The Boston Globe of Boston, Massachusetts, October 26, 1896.


Nineteenth-century homemakers would begin “putting up” garden vegetables from the very first showing of spring peas and continue on clear through the hard frost that signaled the end of the growing season. As different fruits and vegetables bear at different times, with some overlap, it’s a never-ending chore. But if they wanted vegetables and fruit to sustain them through the winter, the job had to be done. Yes, some root vegetables would last pretty well in a root cellar (unless they froze), but only as long as they lasted.

A diet consisting only of meat (a significant source of nutrition in winter months), potatoes, carrots, parsnips, and winter squash could get really old. I’m sure a bottle of Mother’s peaches for a dessert cobbler or a dish of applesauce with the Christmas ham made all the difference.


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Rustic cabin kitchen photos ask, "Can You Imagine? Canning Season."


I know from personal experience what a hot, sticky, exhausting job (but very rewarding) home canning is. And I had the luxury of running water, a gas range, air conditioning, and the like. I can’t imagine (or perhaps I can, though I don’t want to) what it would be like canning off-and-on for four or five months each year over a wood-burning (perhaps coal) stove. Some Nineteenth Century homemakers had the luxury of a gasoline stove (picture a Camp Chef camping stove with a propane tank, Victorian style) or a “summer kitchen” allowing them to do the work away from the family’s main dwelling as to not heat the house unnecessarily. Others simply “put up and shut up”.


Preservaline: The Great Food Preservative


Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Advertisement for Preservaline, a food preservative.Sold in Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.

Advertisement for Preservaline, a food preservative. Sold in Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.

Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. Cider and Fruit Preservaline (preservative). Sold by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.

Cider and Fruit Preservaline (preservative). Sold by Sears, Roebuck & Co. Catalogue, 1898.


Preservaline shouts “harmless to health!” And “not an adulterant!”

They say it keeps food fresh without need for ice or cooking. Claims to keep milk and cream sweet. And meat in sound and perfect condition without affecting the flavor, taste or nutritive qualities.

100+ years ago, disclosure of contents wasn’t law. It’s no surprise these ads don’t give away the contents.

Preservaline was none other than formaldehyde.



Old West Mason Jars Today


.Kristin Holt | Old West Mason Jars. A vintage wire basket filled with blue mason jars with metal lids.


Home industry has become popular (again), as has prepping. People grow more gardens and fruit trees and organic foods to combat an ever-growing list of food pesticides and allergies. Yes, this means more home bottling.

Pretty jars lined up on canning day give a person a tremendous sense of satisfaction. A job well done!


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Updated August 2021
Copyright © 2016 Kristin Holt LC
Old West Mason Jars